5 Key Tips to Get Your Child Kindergarten Ready

Starting kindergarten is a big step for both parents and children. As a preschool teacher with 15 years of experience, I've seen firsthand what skills can significantly help children navigate this new chapter of their life more easily. So, today, I want to share five crucial tips to prepare your child for kindergarten. These tips focus on fostering independence, enhancing social-emotional skills, encouraging reading, developing writing, and introducing basic math.

  1. Fostering Independence

    The ability to perform tasks independently is a critical skill your child should have by the time they start kindergarten. This includes being able to separate from you without getting upset, using the bathroom independently, blowing their nose, opening their lunch items, putting on their coat and backpack, and zipping up their coat. All these tasks seem simple, but they are crucial in helping your child navigate the classroom confidently and independently.

  2. Enhancing Social-Emotional Skills

    Helping your child express their feelings and manage emotions is another important preparation step. Encourage your child to communicate their feelings like sadness, anger, or frustration, and help them understand that it's normal to experience these emotions. It's also crucial for them to develop an appropriate amount of self-control, knowing that not everything will always go their way. As a teacher, I can assure you that these are the skills other teachers will appreciate the most.

  3. Encouraging Reading

    Reading readiness doesn't mean your child has to be able to read before starting kindergarten. However, it does mean that you've been reading to them regularly. This exposure to reading helps them understand that words are read from left to right. Hopefully, they'll be familiar with the letters in their first name and a few more. Regular reading and communication can significantly improve a child's vocabulary. Additionally, make sure your child can recognize their first name when it's written.

  4. Developing Writing Skills

    Basic writing skills, such as holding a pencil with a tripod grasp and being able to write their first name (capital letter followed by lowercase) are beneficial. Encourage your child to draw pictures, and introduce them to drawing more complex shapes, such as a person. To help with this, you can refer to my Matt Man video series. Additionally, having scissors at home and allowing your child to cut Play-Doh and then paper can help them develop their scissor skills before starting kindergarten.

  5. Introducing Basic Math

    Your child should ideally recognize colors and shapes before starting kindergarten. From there, introduce counting and one-to-one counting, which refers to counting objects. Count the forks at the dinner table, how many jumps it takes to get across the room, or how many fingers they have. Talk about numbers and simple additions like 'what's five plus five'.

The best advice I can offer is to communicate with your child: count together, read together, point out letters when you see them, and talk about the sounds you hear in words. I also have a comprehensive Kindergarten Readiness checklist that you can access on my website or in my other videos for more detailed guidance. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. Remember, every little bit of preparation will go a long way in making your child's transition to kindergarten smoother and more enjoyable.

Let the journey to kindergarten be a memorable one!

TJ CardinalComment